From the beginning of the XX century, in Catania were produced and then exported all over the world the first barber's shop chairs; they were manufactured with the style and the traditions of the ancient Sicily. They were ever-present in the ateliers of the greatest hairdressers and beauticians of the Italo-American world of cinema. The modern model of the chair was born in the 70's, with the arrival of plastic and stamped plates, and, thanks to the low prime costs, it immediately won new markets. At the end of the century, architects, designers, people operating in the fashion, famous hairdressers began a difficult search for ancient chairs to restructure and then use in their own shops. The offer of goods is saturated, to find a piece becomes almost impossible, the customers apply to who originally produced the chairs in earlier times; that is what triggers the idea of B.F.Gioia to put again the chairs on the market, using the same techniques of those times. It is the renaissance of the myth of the Sicilian craft sector all over the world. The comfort, the beauty, the details, the strength make the Gioia chairs an everlasting product, full of harmony and ancient cultures.